Name: Shadow
Sex: Male
Age: 1 year
Breed: Tuxedo Pittie
Weight: 52 lbs.
Temperment: Dogs - Yes!
Neutered: Yes!
Available for Fostering: Yes!
Available for Adoption: Yes!
You'd expect a dog named "Shadow" to be gloomy and dark. In that case, you'll want to change Shadow's name as soon as you save and adopt him.
This 1-year-old American Pit Bull Terrier mix is like sunshine, cheery and bright. He loves to play, though he must learn that a leash is not a tug-of-war rope. Your teaching him leash manners and your other commands would do him a world of good and bond you together for the rest of his life. He's very friendly with other dogs and wants to play with them.
And of course, he's friendly with people. However, he's a cry baby. When a volunteer tied him up to keep him still and photograph him, he cried and cried to be treated so cruelly -- to sit for five minutes and not be able to play. No more than a pup, Shadow's life is on the line. If no kind stranger comes forth to adopt him, tomorrow he won't even be a shadow.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO FOSTER OR ADOPT SHADOW TO SAVE HIS LIFE, EMAIL EMILY@EMILYGEAR.COM IMMEDIATELY. There is no time to delay. Please include in your message the answer to the following questions:
• Full name
• Phone number
• Your neighborhood or city
• Do you have pit experience?
• Are there other animals or children in the home?