Name: Philly
Sex: Female
Age: 2/3 years
Breed: Red-nose pittie
Weight: 50 lbs.
Temperment: Good with some dogs, Kids - Yes!, Cats - Unknown
Spayed: No, possibly pregnant
Available for Fostering: Yes!
Available for Adoption: Yes!
Sweet Dog! Help Philly LIVE! Her time is up at the shelter: she was give a brief time reprive but will be euthanized unless a home (or rescue) does not come through asap! Her previous owner, who surrendered her to the kill shelter because of "no
more time to care for her," told the staff that Philly is: Housetrained; a very loving and affectionate animal, very playful. Loves to play with children and be pet. Gets along with other dogs.
What he did not have to tell us as we could see for ourselves, is that he used Philly as a throwaway mom, having her have litter after litter of puppies in the short 2-3 years of her life; even now, the vets could not confirm if she is or isn't pregnant, as she seems very overweight and full.
Volunteers found Philly lovely, and she got along with most dogs at the shelter, while she instinctively did not like some others and barked, although she obeys and stops barking if told firmly: could it be a behavior related to the fact that she IS indeed pregnant?
Philly is going to be euthanized soon, unless a trusty dog-savvy home is found to take her in and care for her IMMEDIATELY or a RESCUE steps up to save her...If you can SAVE PHILLY by ADOPTING OR FOSTERING please e-mail back to this post and leave your full contact info including answers to the following questions:
1. Do you currently have dogs and if so, pls describe i.e breed, sex, age, spayed/neutered?
2. Have you had experience with pitbulls or bully breeds?
3. Do you have any kids or cats?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. Do you live in an apt or house? Does your landlord allow pitbulls/mixes?
5. Can you provide us with (2) non-family references with ph#s?
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