Name: Lucille
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years
Breed: Pittie
Weight: 50 lbs.
Temperment: PERFECT!
Spayed: Yes!
Available for Fostering: Yes!
Available for Adoption: Yes!
This dog is something special--the kind that changes a life. A shelter staff member at SI ACC knew that and asked for our help.
Sweet LUCILLE, hit by car and abandoned! Surgery done, needs foster!
IOHR has committed to taking little Lucille (2 yrs, 50 lbs) if someone out there can FOSTER OR ADOPT this exceptionally sweet special needs pup!
Lucille is a "lucky dog"--she survived quite an ordeal, hit by a car and left to die with a broken leg. Had she been nearly ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY, she would have languished in pain in a cage, or euthanized immediately.
But Lucille was in NYC, where we are lucky to have the services and resources we do (trust me!). A kind shelter volunteer advocated so strongly for her, that this rescuer could not ignore her pleas -- nor could the Mayor's Alliance of NYC, who have generously offered to sponsor her care.
Lucille is exceptionally sweet, which is why the Alliance will spend literally thousands to save her. Today, she underwent a bone fusion, which saved her leg, though she will walk strangely, not being able to bend it. Sweet Lucille won't care about that-- she's happy to bury her head in your lap and nuzzle your hands-- she'd gladly give up some mobility-- just to have a home of her own.
The shelter staff write of Lucille:
Lucille came to us by our DOH vet that nursed the dog back to health. Lucielle was hit by a car and brought to an SI vet by good samaritans who were supposed to adopt the dog. They never came back.
The vet had the dog for a few months and fixed what he could for her back right leg. She walks with a limp and there is a good chance she will need surgery or her leg amputated. She is one of the nicest dogs and has no dog aggression and doesn't react to cats at all! She was left here and can't be placed in adoptions because of her condition.
Lucille was saved from euthanasia a few days ago by IOHR. She will KEEP HER LEG, but it will not bend like it should. She will be prepared to leave the hospital in a few days, and we are DESPERATE to find a kind, caring and nurturing foster to help her recover! No special skills are required-- just the ability to love-- (and an elevator might be nice).
Little Lucille has nowhere to go! Please email emily@emilygear.com IMMEDIATELY if you can help!
Your immediate response is critical to her survival. Please do not delay, and include:
• Your name
• Location
• Prior experience with special needs animals
• Anything else you'd like us to know!
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