Name: Malisha
Sex: Female
Age: 1.5 year
Breed: Staffie
Weight: 45 lbs.
Temperment: No Concern
Spayed: Yes!
Available for Fostering: Yes!
Available for Adoption: Yes!
To SAVE Malisha one FINAL time, please contact emily@inourhandsrescue.org ASAP-- she doesn't have much time!
A VOLUNTEER WROTE: Malisha is such a welcoming dog. She is all wigglely and oh so playful. This 1.5 year old gal came to the Shelter as a stray on 12/10/08 and was quickly adopted out. But her adopter returned her two days later, saying she had "no time" to care for a cold that Malisha had caught. But the adopter told the Shelter that Malisha loves all people and other dogs (we knew that already), knows "sit," "give Paw," and is not a barker. On our own we had discovered that Malisha thinks she is a baby and upon request, jumps in your arms and stays there to be snuggled. She loves the attention. Malisha is good with other dogs and adopts the "play" position with them. She takes treats nicely from your fingers. A funny and lovely dog. Energetic without being hyper, she'd be a great companion. There is some hound in her. She weighs 48 pounds.
Can you SAVE HER LIFE? What shelter animal DOESN'T leave with a cold?? None of them! Malisha deserves a chance to rest up in a loving home-- for the holidays. Email us TODAY! emily@inourhandsrescue.org
*sigh* I just saw Malisha last night. She cries and cries until you pet her, and then she can't stop pushing against the bars. She is desperate for touch, and thrilled beyond belief when you hold her. You made a wonderful choice when you saved her life, Emily! She's a great dog!
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