Name: Brutis
Sex: Male
Age: 9 years
Breed: Rottweiler
Weight: Big Guy
Temperment: See below
Neutered: Yes!
Available for Fostering: Yes!
Available for Adoption: Yes!
BRUTIS the senior rottie is on DeathRow to be euthanised today, Tuesday A.M:
if a Senior Rescue is out there or someone who could give a good old rottie a good home, please SAVE Brutis by emailing us ASAP, before 9AM today [Tuesday], before it's too late;
Brutis is a good boy at 9yrs of age, he was tested at the shelter right upon arrival and did not do great on his test bcz he was still too scared and nervous, but he's been a sweet Love for all who know him at the shelter, staff and volunteers alike.
Brutis is an easy, non pulling walker who was not out long this week because he didn't like the cold. he ignored the dogs he passed to get back to his cage- including a snippy snappy shepard mix who showed teeth. We gave him a pig twist and he took it so gently, he was almost reluctant to take it. But he did take it, gently, and we did see him go to work on it later.
Brutis is a senior doggie, he moves slowly but is very dignified and handsome instead of ratty. And he must be housetrained because he really, really went a lot as soon as he got outside. He had been holding it, for sure!
A very handsome Boy, although no one even bothered to take a decent picture of him so we could show you. He's also a big boy- long as well as tall. Staff workers say Brutis SMILES a lot when you play with him.
Can we keep this boy smiling? If you can rescue Brutis, please contact this posting by email ASAP by this morning, tuesday A.M.
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