Name: Hope
Sex: Female
Age: 3 years
Breed: Blue Brindle mix
Weight: 65 lbs.
Temperment: Scaredy Girl
Spayed: Yes!
Available for Fostering: Yes!
Available for Adoption: Yes!
My name is Hope. I am a 3 yr old sweet female amstaff/pit mix with a beautiful blue brindle coat & I was found just in the nick of time. Someone tried to kill me! I was tied to a pole left in the cold after they fed me rat poison. Why, what did I do? I am a good girl, I just want to be loved and love someone in return. I am very intimidated by all animals dogs, cat, kittens and even fish who swim to fast in there tanks. I won't bite you if you touch my food or toys. I am actually scared of toys that make noise. I have survived the last 4 days and wish to live longer then that I want to beat the rat poison and make it to live out my dreams of having a family that will love me and hug me and never feed me bad things. I know a human did bad things to me, but I still trust humans and would like a family to call my own. The shelter has given me medication and they are helping me to battle the poison that festers in my body.... But I need URGENTLY your help in this continuous battle of filtering out the poison in my blood. Please help me stay Alive! All I want is a happy life and a family to love.
Hope needs a SAFE, QUIET Home with lots of TLC to recover in...preferably an environment with no other dogs, cats or small children...if you can provide such a home, please e-mail back to this post or to: luckofthedog@gmail.com or call #212-533-0822 IMMEDIATELY! - THANK YOU!
*Pls note that this dog is located in the Metropolitan NYC Area - transport can be arranged provided certain criteria is met*
If you'd like to help out HOPE to cover medical expenses - Pls go to this link to make a donation - http://inourhandsrescue.chipin.com/help-iohr-save-a-last-chance-shelter-dog
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