Name: Piper
Sex: Female
Age: 10 months
Breed: AmStaf/Dalmation Mix
Temperment: Dogs - Yes! Kids/Cats - Unknown
Spayed: Yes!
Available for Fostering: Yes!
Available for Adoption: Yes!
Meet Piper, a tiny AmStaf/Dalmatian puppy. Rated "rescue only," she got all "A's" on her SAFER test but an "F" in food guarding. She deperately needs a temporary foster in NYC until transport can be arranged to Ohio, approx 2 weeks!!
Please if you can help, contact me at emily@emilygear.com to foster, adopt or help with transport. This is URGENT, as they will not hold her for me.
Foster will need to feel confident working with food guarding short-term.
Behavioral info below:
Stare A:Eyes averted with wagging neutral tail and ears back
Sensitivity A:Leans in to handler,wagging tail,enjoys touch
Tag A: Assumes play position and joins the game
Pinch A: Gently pulls paw away
Pinch 2 :Gently pulls paw away
Food F: Becomes tense ,then leaves food to bite assess a hand
Rawhide: No interest/inconclusive
Toy: No interest/inconclusive
Dog to dog A:Approaches helper dog in play position
A volunteer wrote: Piper, a real cutie patootie, came to us as a stray on 11/5/08. She has the body of a Dalmatian but not the spots. This 10 month old puppy is a treat: she loves exploring, likes being petted and hugged, is a real lady around other dogs. She weighs 33 pounds and will grow a bit more.
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